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Account & App
Account & App
What should I do if data synchronization fails?
Due to the limited storage space of the ring itself, we recommend that you open the APP at least every 3 days to synchronize and collect data to avoid data loss.When synchronizing data, there will be a progress bar at the top of the APP. During this period, please keep the phone screen lit until the progress bar is updated.If you still cannot successfully collect the report after this, please send an email to "" and we will analyze and solve it for you.
How do I update my profile?
Open Circul appGo to Settings > ProfileUpdate desired informationSave changes
What if the options I want are not available in the "Exercise" tab?
We are currently planning to add more label options for exercise.If the current label does not have the option you want, you can manually enter the "Exercise" label you want to add, and click Confirm to add it.
What about sleep monitoring reports that check for snoring?
Currently, blood oxygen saturation is only supported in real-time monitoring and "Sleep Breathing Disorder Monitoring" mode.This mode needs to be turned on manually. Click the "+" sign on the right side of the APP - select sleep breathing disorder monitoring. After getting up the next day, long press to end to generate a professional sleep report.
How to access the backend data center?
CIRCUL RING backend data center: login account and password are the same as the account and password you set in the APP. If you need to change the password, you can do it in the APP (Mine>setting>log out>forgot your password).